Nearly 18,000 homes in Glouchestershire England will receive letters from the Public Health England (PHE) department, warning them of the high risk of radon gas in their area. Areas such as Cotswold District, Forest of Dean District and Cheltenham Borough have the highest risk for elevated levels of radon gas. Officials are urging residents to test their home for the presence of the silent killer, or hire a local a professional to do so.
Radon Poses a Serious Health Risk
Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in many countries including Canada, England and the U.S. In the U.S. alone it’s responsible for the deaths of more than 20,000 Americans each year. More than 1,100 deaths occur each year in the U.K. The sad part is that it can be easily prevented, especially since the health issues cause by exposure to radon as well as lung cancer symptoms do not crop up until a person has been exposed for a long time.
Neil McColl of the PHE’s Centre for Radiation, Chemicals and Environmental Hazards, said that, “It has long been known that the Cotswolds and parts of Gloucestershire are radon hotspots.” So this is not a new development, yet many people that live in these areas have no idea radon poses a threat.
He went on further to point out some of the other areas known for elevated radon gas levels.
“Parts of Cornwall, Aberdeenshire and West Oxfordshire also have high levels and over the years we have worked with people there to help them find out if their home is affected and if it is, to take action to reduce their radon levels.”
It’s more important that residents take action as soon as possible. This means having your home tested right away, and hiring a radon professional to install a mitigation system if elevated levels are found.
“It’s important people do act because long term exposure to high levels of radon can lead to lung cancer.”
It’s also worth noting that radon can seep into any home regardless of geographical location or composition. Most new homes are built using radon resistant construction, but that doesn’t necessarily make them immune to the problem. Since radon is released naturally by elements such as Uranium – commonly found in soil and rock under the surface – it can be a problem anywhere.
In addition, it doesn’t matter if your neighbor’s home has lower levels there can still be hazardous levels in your own home – that’s why you need to test.
Many Glouchestershire England Homes to Be Offered Free Radon Testing Kits
According to McColl, the PHE will be sending letters to households in the affected areas over the next couple of weeks offering them a free testing kit. About 8,100 letters will be sent to households in the Cotswold District area, 9,700 in the Forest of Dean District area and about 190 to homes in the Cheltenham Borough area.
The hope is that these letters will encourage homeowners to have their home tested. At the very least, it should help raise awareness about radon gas and its associated dangers.
Via: BBC News