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Radon Fact Sheet

The Radon Fact Sheet contains many interesting facts that can be used to further radon outreach by easily sharing this information on your website or printing and handing it out to various local organizations. Continue to spread the word about Radon by reading these facts and sharing them with others. Radon facts are simple, easy to read bullet points that can help someone realize the benefits of testing their house.

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Radon Facts

  • Radon Induced Lung Cancer Kills over 20,000 Americans Each Year.
  • Radon is odorless and colorless. You cannot see, smell or feel Radon gas. Radon testing using authorized Radon kits is your only measure in testing for unsafe levels in your home or workplace.
  • Radon is the leading cause of Lung Cancer for non-smokers.
  • Radon exposure is not limited to your home. It can exist in any building, including schools, hospitals and your workplace.
  • Dangerous levels of Radon can be a problem in homes with or without a basement.
  • Your risk of developing lung cancer is increased if you smoke and your home has a high radon level.
  • Radon has been discovered in every state.
  • Radon levels can differ door to door even if levels are low in your closest neighbor.
  • Radon is measured in picocuries per liter of air(pCi/L). This is a standard measurement of radioactivity.
  • The average indoor level of radon is 1.3 pCi/L. The average outoor level is 0.4 pCi/L.
  • Radon testing is very simple and consists of placing a test kit in your home or office for 2 to 7 days. Your results will be returned to you in a few weeks.
  • Radon testing can be done by anyone who acquires a testing kit. Use the resources found at Radon Testing.
  • New homes can be built using Radon resistant features that can reduce radon exposure in your home. Even so, these homes should be tested at regular intervals. With radon resistant features, these levels can be easily reduced.
  • Radon testing is most effective during cooler weather because your home is typically shut off to outside air flow.

